Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hey guys, what are some hair styles that you like on a girl?

thats if you care about what they look like.!

like: hair up, hair curled, straight hair, braids, etc.!

Hey guys, what are some hair styles that you like on a girl?

simple pony tail or whatever

long hair is good too

Hey guys, what are some hair styles that you like on a girl?

i like bald chicks :) shows they are confident

Hey guys, what are some hair styles that you like on a girl?

My brother likes long straight hair with bangs straight across the forhead

my husband just says he like short hair which i already know.

Husband says he like alicia keys hair now

Brother Likes Nelly fertados hair in the timberland video

I like rhiannas hair style. but im a girl

Hey guys, what are some hair styles that you like on a girl?

My personal preference is long straight hair. Color doesn't matter. However, I've seen long straight hair on some girls that just didn't look right. Sometimes a girl who's not afraid to express herself is more attractive that the usual standards.

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