Sunday, November 22, 2009

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

my hair now:

okay so, i know it looks REALLY bad right now,

like all damaged and stuff.

and it has some really weird colours in it.

i'm going to dye it back normal, (with maybe some low lights? what shades of brown do you think would look cute?) and grow it out longer (unless my parents let me get extensions again) so my layers don't look so trashy-metal-scene.

and don't worry about my makeup, i'll get rid of it, too.

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

Really dark, warm chestnut-brown would look great!

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

straight hair with layers

medium brown hair with blond highlight

light make up

you would look perfectly pretty!

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

It depends i say layers are good theyre very pretty 8D and light brown would look fine 8P

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

Half up bun and other half down.

Braids on the upper part of your face and the rest down

Bangs Pinned back and rest down

Head band with hair in a high pony

Curl your hair and put it to the side

Take top half of hair and tie it up and then take the rest and add it with the rest of ur hair

With an off centered part, take a side pony beside your left ear then tuck the ends of the pony under to form a loop and secure

Preppy hair styles? With my hair?

Check out thousands of hairstyles using for links to websites offering different hairstyles, tips and free makeovers, you will be able to find something suitable. You can also upload a photo and try different hairstyles

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