Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can I pull off Alexis new hair do?

I want to try to pull off the cut and style of her new hair cut. I know I won't look like her but her hair is great. I have a round face and I want to know if I could pull off rory's new look. I.E. season 7, this season. and could you tell me how to fix it to look like that. Thanks in advance for answers.

Can I pull off Alexis new hair do?

I want to do the same exact thing! I asked the same question here and they told me to take a picture of Alexis to your hair stylist and have them do it and if they don't think Alexis's look would look good on you they should have other cool suggestions. If your hair is super curly then Alexis's look isn't for you because it would need alot of upkeep.

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