Sunday, November 22, 2009

Perfect hair styles for a thick haired teen?

Hey there(= I have really think hair thats about 2 inches past my shoulders. I dont really want it any shorter its move of that i want it like thinned out and layered with a bunch of layers. It also gets really wavy sometimes in the back and sometimes it wont straighten is there anyway i can fix that? Idea please!

++ My hair is really messed up right now like the front is blonde and the back is brown - dont ask.. and anyway which color should i dye it brown or blonde? im really pale.. like not paper white but parchment-ish colored

Perfect hair styles for a thick haired teen?

i have the same exact hair, well the thick and two inches below the shoulder part.

i just got my hair done yesterday as a matter of fact.

well it depends how much time and effort you want to put in your hair.

yesterday i brought in the picture on this page:

it's layered LONG layers NEVER get short layers with thick hair. and it's angled in the front. and side bangs can take out bulk in the front. thinning your hair out can be good or bad, sometimes short hairs start growing back after thinning it out and it sticks out and damages the hair.

i absoloutly LOVE it so far. it's a really good cut :) for my hair it takes about 30 minutes to style, its really easy considering it used to take me an hour.

also you should blow dry it straight, it damages the hair less than a straightener. just go over the crimped parts with the straightener a little afterwards.

if you have a good hairdresser she should be able to show you how to style it good :)

hope it helped!

oh yea and it depends on your natural color for your hair. whatever your natural c olor is waht you should go with it if you fear it conflicting with your skin color. :)

Perfect hair styles for a thick haired teen?

If you get a mullet that will be the best hair for a thick haired teen win win situation

Perfect hair styles for a thick haired teen?

tie it back into a bun

Perfect hair styles for a thick haired teen?

Well my hair is really think and below my shoulders too.

I have my hair layered, and it is so much better for my head.

Before your hair went different colors was it brown or blonde?

If it was brown I would dye it brown.

If it was blonde I would dye it blonde.

I actually wouldn't dye it at all. It messes up your hair, but if you want to dye it which ever one applies from above.

My hair sort of does the same thing. In the summer time its lighter but in the winter it is darker. It never completely changed colors and make my hair look different. That could be whats going on. If you live somewhere where the sun shines a lot then it could be turning colors.

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