Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New school hair style?

i'm going in to high school and i wanna try side bangs but i dont know if it would look good or not. if it wouldnt look good what would. i wear my hair curly all the time except when i get really bored. but if i had side bangs i would straighten them. and i just dyed my hair red.

And i would straighten them

New school hair style?

uhhmmmm how about shaving all your hair and a.k.a B-O-L-D...

its popular now, just look at Brittney Spears...

she knows the best... hehehehehehe....

naaahhhh... just joking...

well, i prefer you dyed it brown....

well, thats all i can say...

New school hair style?

Yes, almost anybody can pull of side bangs. I mean, everybody I know looks great with them. I have them too, and I have REALLY stubborn stick straight hair but because they were cut correctly, they look really nice.

So yeah I say go for it! :)

New school hair style?

your hair looks best when its curly i think. If you straighten it use a flat iron and take the time to get it real real straight, otherwise wear it naturally curly. side bangs would look good on you. The color your hair is in the pictures looks really good on you

New school hair style?

I would try it and see if you like grows back and side bangs looks good on everybody I've see. I kinda like your hair better when it's curly though, and keeping up bangs takes a lot of effort, so if you're up for it then go for it! I think you should try a new hair color while you're at it...maybe black or dark brown chocolately shade? Something different, your hair looks dyed already so I thought I'd suggest something assuming you're into hair dying?

New school hair style?

You should do it. Almost everyone looks good with them. Even though bangs are just a small change, it really adds something nice. I think you will love them.

New school hair style?

ummm i think you should leave your hair how it is.

btw i prefer it curly. really nice!

please answer mine :);...


New school hair style?

i think you would look nice with side bangs, especially when you curl your hair like in the second picture, and straighten the bangs with a little curve at the ends. it would look cute :)

New school hair style?

I would say either dont do the sidebangs and straighten your hair (or maybe straight perm ?) , or keep yr hair curly %26amp;gel it . I dont know if sidebangs would work for yr type of hair .

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